East Region Senior Ladies' Championship

    18 Hole Stroke Play

    2022 Entry Form

    England Golf Logo

    Event Information


    Hintlesham Golf Club, Hintlesham, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP8 3JG


    Wednesday 13th July 2022

    Entry Fee:

    £45 per person – includes tea and coffee on arrival and a light lunch

    Closing Date:

    29th June 2022

    Maximum Field Size:

    60 players

    Handicap Index Limit:



    Scratch Handicap Team Shield for the best aggregate of three gross scores from one County

    Send Entries To:

    Lizzie Johnson,
    The Goldings, Pentlow,
    CO10 7JS

    Please complete the details below and ensure you have read the terms and conditions of the competition

    Conditions / qualifications and further information

    1.1 The competition is open to players aged 50 and over on the date of the competition who are members of an affiliated Golf Club within the Counties of Bedfordshire, Cambs & Hunts, Essex, Hertfordshire, Norfolk and Suffolk, who have amateur status in accordance with the current Amateur Status Rules of the R&A Rules Limited and who hold a Handicap Index under the WHS Rules of Handicapping.

    Terms of the competition:

    2.1 Entries shall be limited to 60 players.

    2.2 Entry forms and the appropriate fee must reach the organiser by the closing date of Thursday 29th June 2022.

    2.3 In the event of entries exceeding 60 players, the players with the lowest handicap indices at the time of application will gain entry with higher handicap indices being kept on a reserve list.

    2.4 The competition draw will be made after the 30th June 2022 and participants notified.

    2.5 Competitors MUST register at the Registration Desk no later than 30 minutes before their first tee time.

    2.6 Players must have a Handicap Index issued from a 'Golf Club' (as defined in the Rules of Handicapping Book) that is authorised to use the Rules of Handicapping.

    2.7 The organiser has the authority to arrange/alter tee times, with appropriate notification to those affected.

    2.8 In the event of adverse conditions, the organiser reserves the right to alter the format of the competition in order to achieve a result.

    Format and Conditions

    3.1 A player withdrawing after the closing date MUST inform the organiser, Lizzie Johnson, Telephone 07887 551511 or email lizbeth.johnson@btinternet.com. Entry fees are non-refundable after the closing date unless the organiser has a substitute.

    3.2 In all matters the decision of the organiser is final.

    3.3 The competition shall be played in accordance with the Rules of Golf and England Golf Hard Card.

    3.4 The competition shall consist of 18 holes stroke play format.

    3.5 In the event of a tie after 18 holes the winners will be decided on a count back basis over the last 9, 6, 3 or 1 hole(s) on the card. Players may only win one prize.

    3.6 If a player arrives at their starting point ready to play within five minutes after their starting time and in the absence of circumstances that warrant the waiving of the penalty of disqualification under Rule 5.3a, the general penalty (two strokes) will be applied. The penalty for lateness beyond five minutes is DISQUALIFICATION.

    3.7 Competitors should walk at all times unless permitted to ride by the organising committee on production of a current medical certificate (refer to England Golf Transportation Policy).

    3.8 The England Golf Hard Card condition relating to caddies will be in operation.

    3.9 The organiser and referees will monitor the pace of play and will take action under the Rules of Golf if players are considered to be delaying play

    Please note that personal buggies are not permitted. Buggies may be booked in advance on 01473 652761

    Valid Handicap:*

    Choice of Wrap:*

    Payment Options:*

    Payment via BACs to:

    Account Name: Suffolk Ladies County Golf Association
    Lloyds Bank,
    Sort code: 30-13-64,
    Account No: 00682989,
    Reference Name & ERS

    Please send cheques to:

    Carol Deslandes,
    Golden Acres,
    261 Ferry Road, Felixstowe,
    IP11 9RX

    Made payable to Suffolk Ladies County Golf Association - (Not SLCGA)