The final round of the Junior Open Series was played at Bungay & Waveney GC on Sunday. Another good turnout, this has proved a very successful Series this year and I`m very pleased how it has been received by the players and also the clubs – it can only help the young competitors! It has taken a lot of careful work but I feel that it has been worth it.
Results are on the link below
The prize giving will be held at Aldeburgh GC on Sunday 22nd October after the “Race to Aldeburgh|” tournament as I wanted the maximum profile for the winners, because they have supported us immensely and deserve a good profile. Sue has kindly agreed to present the Girls trophies.
The Silver cups for the gross prizes are done and I`m just seeing if two smaller silver cups that I have can also be refurbished, which will be nice for the Net winners too.
This bodes well for next year as we should have at least 12 clubs, maybe more!

Mike Olding

Suffolk Golf Union, Junior Secretary